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The recent growth of unconventional natural gas development and production (UNGDP) has outpaced research on the potential health impacts associated with the process. The Maryland Marcellus Shale Public Health Study was conducted to inform the Maryland Marcellus Shale Safe Drilling Initiative Advisory Commission, State legislators and the Governor about potential public health impacts associated with UNGDP so they could make an informed decision that considers the health and well-being of Marylanders. In this paper, we describe an impact assessment and hazard ranking methodology we used to assess the potential public health impacts for eight hazards associated with the UNGDP process. The hazard ranking included seven metrics: 1) presence of vulnerable populations (e.g. children under the age of 5, individuals over the age of 65, surface owners), 2) duration of exposure, 3) frequency of exposure, 4) likelihood of health effects, 5) magnitude/severity of health effects, 6) geographic extent, and 7) effectiveness of setbacks. Overall public health concern was determined by a color-coded ranking system (low, moderately high, and high) that was generated based on the overall sum of the scores for each hazard. We provide three illustrative examples of applying our methodology for air quality and health care infrastructure which were ranked as high concern and for water quality which was ranked moderately high concern. The hazard ranking was a valuable tool that allowed us to systematically evaluate each of the hazards and provide recommendations to minimize the hazards.  相似文献   
A generalized scheme concerning the oviposition behavior of Manduca sexta (Johan.) moths was constructed according to observations and experiments conducted in large cages. There are two phases in the orientation to plants, the approach and the landing. The approach appears non-discriminatory and the moths utilize visual cues during this phase. The landing is discriminatory and is based on fixed or learned responses to olfactory stimuli. After landing, contact chemostimulation elicits deposition of eggs.
Zusammenfassung Auf Grund von Beobachtungen und Versuchen in großen Käfigen wird ein allgemeines Schema des Eiablageverhaltens von Manduca sexta (Johan.) entworfen. Es bestehen zwei Phasen in der Orientierung auf die Pflanzen, die Annäherung und die Landung. Die Annäherung scheint unterschiedslos ungerichtet zu erfolgen; die Schwärmer benutzen während dieser Phase visuelle Schlüsselreize. Die Landung ist entscheidend gerichtet und beruht auf erlernten Reaktionen auf spezifische Geruchsreize. Nach der Landung löst ein chemischer Kontaktreiz die Ablage der Eier aus.
We have used quantitative DNase I footprinting to measure the relative affinities of four disubstituted and two monosubstituted amidoanthraquinone compounds for intermolecular DNA triplexes, and have examined how the position of the attached base-functionalized substituents affects their ability to stabilize DNA triplexes. All four isomeric disubstituted derivatives examined stabilize DNA triplexes at micromolar or lower concentrations. Of the compounds studied the 2,7-disubstituted amidoanthraquinone displayed the greatest triplex affinity. The order of triplex affinity for the other disubstituted ligands decreases in the order 2,7 > 1,8 = 1,5 > 2,6, with the equivalent monosubstituted compounds being at least an order of magnitude less efficient. The 1,5-disubstituted derivative also shows some interaction with duplex DNA. These results have been confirmed by molecular modelling studies, which provide a rational basis for the structure-activity relationships. These suggest that, although all of the compounds bind through an intercalative mode, the 2,6, 2,7 and 1,5 disubstituted isomers bind with their two side groups occupying adjacent triplex grooves, in contrast with the 1,8 isomer which is positioned with both side groups in the same triplex groove.  相似文献   
Summary Multidimensional contingency tables provide a powerful new statistical tool for analyzing interactions among several variables in an ecological study. This technique is applied to a study of selectivity in tree-cutting by two colonies of beavers in central Massachusetts.At the Blue Heron Cove colony, selection depends jointly on genus and diamter. Beavers cut birch of all diameters available but avoid large diameter maples, pines, and oaks. These beavers are choosy generalists: they show clear preferences in cutting various genera of trees for food yet they cut substantial numbers of trees of non-preferred genera. At the Tamplin Road Pond colony, discrete sites of concentrated cutting activity differ in genera and diameters of trees selected. Trees of all diameters are cut at one site close to water, small diameter trees are selected at two other sites farther from water. Ironwood is preferred at one site but selected against at two other sites. This difference between sites in generic selectivity has two plausible explanations: (1) tree species differ in nutritional and other chemical value between sites, (2) beavers sample trees of the various species present at some sites in order to assess the value of such sites as foraging areas.  相似文献   
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